Friday 29 July 2016

Organic Protein Powder Whey

We want you to push. Motivation is one thing. Motivation is an emotion. It is temporal. Discipline is key. Take your OMG and get cracking. Our OMG! difference and our higher protein content will unleash the superhuman inside you.
It’s not about the summer beach body, not about the six-pac, not about your lean muscle gain and not even about your damn protein needs. OMG! is all about purity, efficiency and simply better living. Become Superhuman now. Push.

Monday 11 July 2016

Most oral glutathione supplements have been shown to be poorly absorbed and a waste of your hard-earned money, which is why consuming a good protein source to trigger your body’s natural glutathione production makes sense. Fresh, uncooked meats and raw milk, and certain raw vegetables, are also excellent sources of glutathione, but they must be consumed raw to get the benefit, and many people do not do this.